How do I know if my horse has a fever?

Wie erkenne ich, ob mein Pferd Fieber hat?
A fever is a sign that the horse's body is fighting an infection or disease. The normal body temperature of a horse is between 37.5°C and 38.5°C. If your horse's body temperature is above 38.5°C, this may be a sign of fever. To check if your horse has a fever, you need a digital clinical thermometer.
Here are the steps you can follow to take your horse's fever:
1. Secure your horse well to avoid injury.
2. Gently insert the thermometer into the horse's anus.
3. Leave the thermometer in the horse's anus for 1-2 minutes.
4. Remove the thermometer and read the temperature.
If your horse's body temperature is above 38.5°C you should see a veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment. Fever can be a sign of a variety of illnesses, such as respiratory infections, laminitis, colic, and other infections.
Early diagnosis and treatment can help your horse recover quickly.

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